Categoria: Staff posts
in Staff posts9th Prehistoric Championship in Val Senales valley Thank you all for the great tournament! Find here some of the fantastic pics Peter took during the weekend and download the ranking […]
in Staff posts„Il pane. La storia della panificazione “ Domenica 28 giugno è stata inaugurata la mostra temporanea “Il pane. La storia della panificazione”. La mostra racconta l’antichissima storia del pane, dalle […]
in Staff posts8th Prehistoric Championship in Val Senales valley Thank you all for the great weekend spent together! Find here some of the pictures Peter took during these days and download the […]
in Staff postsEcco i migliori tiratori del torneo 2019 nella Val Senales! Sabato: Il torneo senalese di tiro con l’arco preistorico quest’anno è stato vinto, come negli anni precedenti da Kuno Bay […]
in Staff postsÖtzi Glacier Tour with Simon Messner Find here some pictures of the trip to the discovery site of the Iceman on the 3th of September: All pictures: Google photo share
in Staff postsA visit to the construction site in August 2019! Work in Progress!!! The new Archery area and the neolithic house reconstructions of Parma-Via Guidorossi: