• SITO WEB IN COSTRUZIONE – Attualmente l’archeoParc è chiuso per la pausa invernale. Per prenotazioni è tuttavia possibile contattatare l’amministrazione durante gli orari d’ufficio.


Brescia-San Polo’s and Villanders-Plunacker’s last beams are placed

The 8th of July we held a traditional topping out ceremony, the so called “Firstfeier” or “Richtfest” (this is how our friends from Germany call it). Many thanks to Reinald Tirler, Reinhold Kuppelwieser, Michael Stofner, Wulf Hein, Wolfgang Thiel and Lukas, Patrick, Ewald, Julian, Helmut, Karl, Sebastian, Finn and all the others for the marvellous work!!!!

Enjoy the picture of the Brescia-San Polo house with the beautiful pinus cembra we placed atop of the new building: