Category: Staff posts
in Staff postsÖtzi Glacier Tour with Simon Messner Find here some pictures of the trip to the discovery site of the Iceman on the 3th of September: All pictures: Google photo […]
in Staff postsA visit to the construction site in August 2019! Work in Progress!!! The new Archery area and the neolithic house reconstructions of Parma-Via Guidorossi:
in Staff postsDemonstration on prehistoric meet drying Friday, 10 may Philipp Schraut, museum educator and archeoParc collaborator, presented prehistoric food preservation methods and showed meet drying over fire.
in Staff postsA stop at the archeoParc from the EXARC Conference participants Very nice people! Lots of laughter and interesting conversations! Thank you for visiting us!
in Staff posts7th Prehistoric Championship in Val Senales valley Thank you all for the fantastic weekend spent together at archeoParc Val Senales! Find here some pictures of the tournament and download the […]