Here are the people with whom you will interact at the archeoParc:

Visitor service


Johanna Niederkofler
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Johanna Niederkofler

Museum Director
E-Mail Phone

Johanna Niederkofler is the leading force of the archeoParc team. Born in Bressanone, she studied art history and classical archaeology in Salzburg and Bologna. Before she came to us, she was active in youth work and museum pedagogy. Incidentally, the bee colonies that can be seen near the rear exit are hers. Johanna has been with us since 2007.

Favorite place: corner bench in the Arbonhaus
At the Café, likes: espresso
Can most likely be found here: somewhere in the house
Favorite hands-on activity: Grinding rings out of deer antlers

Silvia Tumler
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Silvia Tumler

Assistent director



Eveline Vatamaniuc

Education, archeoParc summer camp

Ernst Gamper
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Ernst Gamper

Education, didactic materials organization

Ernst Gamper is an honest-to-goodness Schnals Valley local: with his professional life, he can be found in the winter on the ski slopes and in the summer in the archeoParc. The passionate archer is the father of two grown children and, for the last few years, is a hobby fisherman. At the archeoParc, he is responsible for the participation program and materials organization. Ernst has been with us since 2008.

Favorite place: on the banks of the pond
At the Café, likes: gelato, gelato
Can most likely be found here: at the campfire
Favorite hands-on activity: shooting the bow and arrows


archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Philipp Schraut

Education, adventure days

Philipp was born in Warburg, Germany and lives close to Merano. The artist and restorer guides the adventure days and visitor groups at the archeoParc. Outside the archeoParc the father of a daughter likes to range the woods not only in his spare time, but he also organizes survival trainings. Philipp has been with us since 2010.

Favourite place: by the fish pond
At the Café, likes: herbal tea
Can most likely be found here: in the middle of a clutch of children
Favourite hands-on activity: twist a leather bracelet


Franz Tapfer
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Johanna Niederkofler

Franz Tapfer

archeoParc summer camp


Inge Gurschler

archeoParc summer camp


Viktoria Santer

archeoParc summer camp


Judith Stecher

archeoParc summer camp


Miriam Brauer

archeoParc summer camp

Irene Egger
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Dario Ferroni

Irene Egger


Irene Egger was born in Merano, studied Romance languages in Perugia, and will soon be familiar with every corner of this earth. She is the mama of Finn, and she enjoys writing and making music. She juggles and acts in theater. With us, she takes care of visitor tours and the daily participation program. She has been with us since 2009.

Favorite place: the big fireplace
At the Café, likes: the Irene Special Farmer’s Toast
Can most likely be found here: in the open-air area
Favorite hands-on activity: baking bread


Robert Ciatti
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Robert Ciatti

Ötzi Glacier Tour


Lena Wellenzohn

Visitor service, bookshop


Evi Kaserer



Samuel Wenger

Visitor service, bookshop


Siegmar Gamper
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Siegmar Gamper

Building services, didactic materials organization

Siegmar Gamper knows every corner, every screw, every light bulb, every tree, every post, every thread, in short: everything about the archeoParc. Having studied electrical engineering and – we’re not sure whether there’s a connection here or not – being a passionate tinkerer, at home he builds models and for us he sets up the exhibits. Siegmar has been with us since 2009.

Favorite place: the garden
At the Café, likes: espresso macchiato
Can most likely be found here: in the workshop
Favorite hands-on activity: carving model bows

Stefan Tappeiner
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Stefan Tappeiner

Building services, garden and transport

Stefan is responsible for everything in and outside the museum and the shopping in the vicinity. You pass his home – a farm called Tisenhof – up on your way to the discovery site of Ötzi, the iceman. The passionate hunter helps his brother farming and volunteers the Schnalser hunters club. Stefan has been with us since 2016.

Favourite place: the viewpoint to the Giogo Tisa ridge
At the Café, likes: macchiato and cappuccino
Can most likely be found here: at the workshop and in the garden
Favourite hands-on activity: bake bread on a stick at the camp fire



Gerish Elsayed



Norbert Sachsalber
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Peter Santer

Norbert Sachsalber





Guided Tours:

Johanna Niederkofler
Simone Bacher
Ernst Gamper
Magdalena Alber
Philipp Schraut
Irene Egger
Tanja Montagner
Nereo Ongaro
Silvia Tumler
Viktoria Santer
Elena Serina
Eveline Vatamaniuc
Lena Wellenzohn
Samuel Wenger
Luana Zanforlin



Silvano Perhger, Peter Santer und Werner Moser