
Ötzi Glacier Tour and more with Thomas Huber

Thomas Huber
private, Archiv Huberbuam

Together with his brother Alex or on his own, the Bavarian Speed climber and author Thomas Huber is well-known and appreciated for several expeditions and first ascents. On 6th of July the UIAGM Mountain Guide will attend the Ötzi Glacier Tour and share his love for the mountains with the participants.
Information and reservation online or by phone (+39 0473 67 60 20)

Some side-events are planned in collaboration with the tourism coop. Val Senales and the tourism coop. Naturno:
5th of July, 21:00: Projection of the movie “Am Limit” in the community house of Madonna di Senales (to be confirmed)
6th of July, 20:30: Multimedia presentation by Thomas Huber in the city hall of Naturno
The side-events are hold in German language.