3rd Bolzano Mummy Congress
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the discovery of Ötzi the third Bolzano Mummy Congress is hosted in September 2016. Experts on the fields of medicine, archaeology, anthropology, botany and other subjects are going to exchange information concerning the current state of research about Ötzi and the findings at the Tinsenjoch.
Bolzano Mummy Congress schedule
The following people will speak between the 19th and 21st September in the auditorium of the EURAC in Bolzano: Albert Zink, Angelika Fleckinger, Frank Maixner, Valentina Coia, Amaury Cazenave-Gassiot, Marek Janko, Thomas Rattei, Andreas Keller, Günther Kaufmann, Walter Leitner, Hubert Steiner, Andreas Putzer, Umberto Tecchiati, Annaluisa Pedrotti, Gerhard Sperl, Gilberto Artioli, Ivana Angelini, Caterina Canovaro, Benno Baumgarten, Günther Kaufmann, Alex Barker, Edward Liebow, Emlyn Koster, Klaus Oeggl, James Dickson, Wolfgang Müller, Walter Kutschera, Paolo Gabrielli, Patrizia Pernter, Paul Gostner, Stephanie Panzer, Chiara Villa, Niels Lynnerup, Oliver Peschel, Alexander Horn, Ursula Wierer, Paola Salzani, Niall O’Sullivan, Carney Matheson, Manuel Lizarralde, Martin Callanan, Sandra Lösch, Amelie Alterauge, Oliver Gauert, Valeria Mattiangeli, Valentina Depellegrin, Beat Schmutz, Marco Samadelli, Ludwig Moroder, Marcello Melis, Maximilian Moser, Francesco Avanzini, Rolando Füstös, Piero Cosi, Andrea Sandi, Frank Rühli, Patrizia Pernter, Catrin Marzol. Information about the schedule and registration is available on the EURAC-Website.
On 20th September between 18:00 and 19:00 a Round Table with the topic Ötzi’s death is held, which engages in new conclusions to this issue. This is a public event in German language, which will be translated simultaneously. The event is concluded by an aperitif between 19:00 and 20:30.
The Bolzano Mummy Congress was created seven years ago by the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman of the EURAC Bolzano. The third edition is organized by the EURAC in cooperation with the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology.