
  • Post category:Review

New temporary exhibition

Since yesterday you find a new exhibition about the history of speaking and writing at archeoParc Val Senales. The show on display at the 3rd floor is curated by the Italian language researcher Simona Marchesini and the archeoParc-director  Johanna Niederkofler, it’s open to the public till November 1st.

Kuratorin Simona Marchesini mit Museen-Landesrat Florian Mussner (rechts)und Bürgermeister Karl Josef Rainer (links)<br/>La curatrice Simona Marchesini con l’assesore provinciale Florian Mussner e il sindaco del comune di Senales Karl Josef Rainer<br/>Opening ceremony of the exhibition on the history of languages together with the curator Simona Marchesini an politicians
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Gianni Bodini

Danke an das archeoParc-Team <br/>Grazie allo staff dell‘archeoParc<br/> Many thanks to all of the staffmembers of archeoParc
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Gianni Bodini

Kuratorenführung in der Sonderausstellung<br/>Visita guidata delle curatrici lungo il percorso della mostra temporanea <br/>Guided tour at the temporary exhibition
archeoParc Schnalstal, photo: Gianni Bodini