
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Coming soon

International Flint Knapping Symposium in Val Senales

Dear Colleagues,
we’re glad to announce an interesting event, which will take place on May 29 – June 1, at archeoParc Val Senales: the thirteenth edition of the Flint Knapping Symposium. The conference offers to experts, museums professionals and hobbyists working with prehistorical and historical flint knapping techniques an opportunity to gather and to share experience and passion.

Further information and registration (before May 20):
Einladung in deutscher Sprache: www.archeoparc.it/documents/FlintConf19_Prog_dt
Invito in lingua italiana: www.archeoparc.it/documents/FlintConf19_Prog_it
Invitation in English: www.archeoparc.it/documents/FlintConf19_Prog_en

Kind regards,
Johanna Niederkofler

P.S. Please note that the conference is taking place in South Tyrol’s main travel season. If achievable, arrange registration and booking within the next three weeks.